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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Problems with Frequencies and CrosstabsProblems with Frequencies and Crosstabs
New Post
06/05/2016 14:10


I'm trying to do some final count ups and crosstabs for our review 6992. I'm having a problem with consistency in the counting though - for example if I run a search for papers coded with Kenya or look at frequencies EPPI tells me there are 11 papers - however if I try and run a crosstab for Papers code with Kenya and Education coded it tells me there are 24 papers that fit this criteria and looking through the results it seem like they all do

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks, Ella


New Post
10/05/2016 14:50

Hello Ella

Without knowing which review and items we are talking about I can't know for sure what might be happening but what suspect is happening is that some of the items have the I flag and some of the items have the E flag. When you run a frequency report or search you need to specify which items (I's or E's) you want to see so if you have a mix you won't always see all of them.

Is it possible that is what is happening here?

If you let me know which review and code(s) you are referring to I can have a look.

Best regards,
Jeff Brunton

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Problems with Frequencies and CrosstabsProblems with Frequencies and Crosstabs

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