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New Post
25/04/2016 13:56


Since Saturday, we have been getting an alert  ("Warning: there was a problem saving your data. Please close this window and try again"), when clicking next after coding on title and abstract. This has happen to two assistants, who are doing the coding. However, when looking at the abstracts allocated to them, the abstracts are changing the status from remaining too started in the coding assignment table in spite of the alert. Can we count on the program is saving the coding and can we continue the codingd espite the alert?

New Post
25/04/2016 14:36

Dear Johanne,

Apologies for the inconvenience. We've just identified a bug in the latest release which would happen only when logged-on via the "Coding Only" interface. If you can confirm that this is the situation you are experiencing, then I can confirm that yes, data is being saved and it is safe to continue working.

I do realise that the error message is quite intrusive and does disrupt the normal workflow, I'm mentioning this because I'm afraid your collaborators will be slowed down until we'll publish the bugfix.
Luckily writing a solution won’t be difficult, so I expect we’ll be able to publish the bugfix tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest (a short service interruption will be necessary to make the fix public), in the mean time you should be able to keep working, albeit with the added annoyance.

If the error is showing up in any other situation, i.e. while not using the Coding Only interface, please let us know: this could be a different bug and I will need to investigate it separately (to confirm that there is no data-loss danger, and possibly identify a separate solution).

Many thanks for reaching out and apologies once more.

New Post
25/04/2016 14:40

It is only happening when using the "coding only" interface.

Thank you for the fast reply.


New Post
26/04/2016 13:11

Hello Johanne,

Just a short one to say that the solution to this problem has been published a few minutes ago, things should be back to normal now.
Best wishes,

New Post
28/04/2016 15:24

Hello Sergio

I am having this trouble today (28/04) but I do not know if I am using the Coding Only interface. I click on 'Go' next to a document and then code and press 'next' to go through. If that is the Coding Only interface, this is where I am experience the not saving warning. It does appear to be working but is warning me to close the window after every few abstracts. I used this for 5 hours yesterday with no trouble. Please let me know how to proceed.


New Post
28/04/2016 15:34

Hello Sergio

The notification below is also coming up quite frequently today and logging me out:

New Post
28/04/2016 16:17

Hello Helen,
the error message you show above is usually the result of a very different situation: normally it's the sign of having a shaky internet connection or alternatively, in the case of home connection, a very congested "line". EPPI-Reviewer checks regularly if the connection with the main server is up and running, if it isn't it will show the alert you are seeing and force you out. This is because EPPI-Reviewer saves data in real time and would be unable to do so when the connection is lost or too slow to work effectively.
This may also explain why you are getting other errors: they can certainly pop out if the data-saving failed because of a shaky network connection. If you are working from home, restarting your router/modem might help, I would also check if other people are using the same connection to stream video or are generating a lot of traffic in some other way.
If you are accessing EPPI-Reviewer from work you may try asking your IT helpdesk for some help. Unfortunately this kind of situation is very difficult to troubleshoot on our side as it is almost certainly generated on your end. I can see that many people are using EPPI-Reviewer right now, so it's unlikely that it is a problem that affects all users.

I hope the above helps (at least a little), please do let us know if the problem persists.

PS from your screenshot it's clear that you are using the normal (full) EPPI-Reviewer interface, not the Coding-Only one.

New Post
26/08/2016 16:10

Hi Sergio,

I have been coding data all week and 2 sections coded perfectly. When coding the third section, I got the same messages as Johanne periodically, but carried on as it appeared to be working ok. I have just attempted to look at the records assigned to each code and there are none allocated to any of the codes (where they should be); however, if I look at the collaborate / work allocation it appears as if I have finished the screening allocation. Any suggestions? Thanks, Laura

New Post
31/08/2016 10:33

Hello Laura,

I'm not sure which coding tool we are talking about about but if your coding assignment shows you as having coded those items but you aren't seeing that coding if you 'list items with this code' then I suspect that you are carrying out 'comparison' coding and that coding is not marked as 'complete' yet. Coding must be marked as 'complete' before it is available to the programs searching and reporting functions.

If you look in the 'Review statistics' tab you will be able to see if there is coding marked as 'not complete' under your name. Under comparison coding the assumption is that two or more reviewers will be coding the same items and you will want to create a comparison between those items to identify the agreements and disagreements. You can then 'complete' the agreements and 'reconcile and complete' the disagreements. Once that coding is marked as 'complete' it will appear in your reports.

If I have misunderstood your question please let me know.

Best regards,


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