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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...include /exclude option include /exclude option
New Post
05/04/2016 09:32

I am new to EPPI Reviewer and trying to screen the studies based on exclusion and inclusion criteria . I used the existing code for Screening of title and Abstract  i.e. exclude based on country.  I am not able to exclude the studies automatically which is not included in the list of included country as specified in the code . When i clicked the "go "  tab in front of study .and click on next button it does not exclude the study,  if the study is counducted outside the list of included countries.

New Post
05/04/2016 11:34

Hello Nemika,

When you say 'exclude the studies automatically' are you referring the assignment of the 'I' and 'E' flags? These flags are not tied to any particular coding tool (such as your screening tool). The reason someone might decide to assign the 'E' flag to an item could be based on multiple decisions spread across multiple coding tools.

The main purpose of the 'I' and 'E' flags is to determine what items get displayed in the 'Documents' tab when you load your review. When you load a review just the items with the 'I' flag get displayed.

You can assign the 'E' flag to an item based on its coding. For example, if you wanted all of the items that have been assigned a particular Exclude code from a particular screening tool you would click the 'Assign documents to be included or excluded' icon in the documents tab and then select 'Documents with this code' in the 'Assign documents' window that will appear. Next, select the appropriate code, make sure 'exclude' is selected and then click 'Assign'. The 'E' flag will then be assigned to all of the items with that particular code.

Or did you mean something different?

Best regards,



New Post
05/04/2016 14:23

My problem is the same, I want to exclude from review AND bulk exclude according to screening tool so it shows up as excluded by country for example and coded by me. I want to avoid coding each and everyone of these entries manually. I also want them excluded temporarily from the review so I can bring in other citations and code them.  Right now some show as excluded by condition and others dont, I cant even code them manually as I cant see what was not coded. Thanks


New Post
05/04/2016 14:55

Hello Amy,

I'm not sure I am following what you have described but you can bulk assign a code by selecting the appropriate items in the 'Documents' tab, right-clicking the code that you want to assign and then select 'Assign selected items to this code'. This will assign that code to all of the selected items.

When you say you 'want them excluded temporarily from the review' do you mean assign the 'E' flag. You can assign the 'E' flag as I described in my earlier reply.

If you are trying to find items that have not been coded using a particular coding tool you can run a search using the 'that don't have any codes from this set' option. Of course, the best way to keep track of the items that you have coded and not coded is to create coding assignments in the 'Collaborate' tab.

Is this what you are asking?

Best regards,



New Post
05/04/2016 15:35

Hi Jeff,

Thanks can the collaborate tool be set up retroactively?

New Post
05/04/2016 15:37

Also can I add the other collaborator after I have coded

New Post
05/04/2016 16:01

Hello Amy,

You can set up coding assignments at any time, even if you have already done much of the coding already. It will still tell you what items you have coded and not coded.

If you have a second reviewer (is that what you meant by collaborator?) and you want to double code the items then you will want to make sure that the coding tool is set for 'comparison' coding (it is a property of the codeset). As well, if you have already coded some of the items and their coding has already been marked as 'complete' you will want to 'un-complete' that coding before starting your double coding (so the second review doesn't see your work).

Best regards,


New Post
05/04/2016 17:41

Apreciate all your help Jeff...I think I have got it. It shows in review statistics now all that I have coded as incomplete but not in collaborate but I am assuming this is because I set all documents coded to exclude so I can add the exclusions in a manageable way and then when I include all in the review they should show up in the collaborate view as not complete  After this I can add additional  reviewers and assign them a portion to review using compare, after we finish we resolve disagreements and mark all complete for that coding set. Is this correct?

New Post
06/04/2016 11:02

Hello Amy,

I had a look at your review (#8503) and can see that you have given all of your items the 'E' flag or the 'D' so nothing is displayed when you load your review. I'm not sure I understand the purpose of doing this (or it's relationship with using comparison coding) but if it makes sense to you then that is fine.

Normally I would leave everything with the 'I' flag, set the coding tool to 'comparison' coding, create the coding assignments and then each person could carry out their assignments. If you want the items you have already coded (and marked as 'complete') to be double coded I would bulk mark them as 'not complete' in the 'Review statistics' tab.

Best regards,


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