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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...bulk exclude on title and abstractbulk exclude on title and abstract
New Post
03/04/2016 04:12


I am trying to bulk exclude and have me listed a coder of title and abstract specific exclusion condition. It shows what I excluded manually however when I added the bulk exclude on exclude on title and abstract and then the condition these items were greyed out and not checked plus now I cant find the others that are greyed out without going throught the 700 already exluded manually entries...I am new at this and a bit lost. I had already excluded on title and abstract before I exported the citations that is why a bulk exclude according to exclusion  conditions was done. Really appreciate any help on this:-))


New Post
04/04/2016 15:22

Hello Amy,

I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking. If you can tell me which review you are talking about I can have a look at it.

Best regards,


New Post
04/04/2016 19:25

Thanks Jeff,

Patient and public involvement in clinical trials design: an overview of systematic reviews (8503)





New Post
05/04/2016 14:57

Hello Amy,

I think you are asking the same question in your other post so I have answered it there.

If this is a different question please let me know.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...bulk exclude on title and abstractbulk exclude on title and abstract

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