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New Post
30/03/2016 03:37


I dont seem to be able to build data extraction tools for my Cochrane review. It is still in protocol in ARCHIE. How do I just build a code set for it like I have in other reviews?


Yhank yiy

New Post
30/03/2016 09:11

Hello Amy,

In EPPI-Reviewer you can build a data extraction tool the same way you can create any coding tool. In the 'Codes' tab you should click on the 'Create new codeset' icon. This will open the 'New code set' window where you should select the 'Standard' codeset type, call it something like 'Data extraction' and click 'Save'. Now that the codeset exists you can add child codes to it to build up the coding tool.

Best regards,


New Post
03/04/2016 04:04

It was a crossover as it is now locked for editiing. Thanks

New Post
04/04/2016 15:14

Hello Amy,

I'm not sure if you are saying that this problem is now resolved but you can lock codesets and lock their coding (and also unlock them).

Locking and unlocking a codeset is a property of the codeset and can be done in the 'Codes' tab.

Locking and unlocking an item's coding (with respect to a coding tool) can be done in the 'Document details' window. This is also accessed through the properties of the coding tool.

Best regards,



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