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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Data Entry for Prognostic Model ReviewData Entry for Prognostic Model Review
New Post
23/03/2016 23:51

I am a new user.

I am lead author for a Cochrane review of prognostic models of PONV (postoperative nausea and vomiting).

Moons et al (PLoS Med 2014;11(10):e1001744) has published a data extraction template for that purpose that we plan to use.

I need guidance on customizing EPPI-Reviewer to implement that data structure.






New Post
24/03/2016 11:30

Hello Nathan,

I have had a look at the data extraction tool. For the most part it is designed as a number of questions with possible answers so creating something similar in EPPI-Reviewer shouldn't be too difficult. It appears to be in 2 parts. Part 1 should work as a series of questions and answers. Part 2 contains 11 domains that also evaluate for risk of bias and applicability. That secondary evaluation could be set as a separate question in each domain.

We are thinking that it might be a useful tool for other reviewers so we would like to create a version of this and make it publicly available to other EPPI-Reviewer users.

Unfortunately, we are just about to start the Easter break at the University so it might be a week or so before I get a chance to look at this in detail. If you need the tool right away and are unable to wait until we have created it you may need to have a go at it yourself. If you create it yourself and run into any difficulties please let us know and we can try to help.

Best regards,



New Post
24/03/2016 18:06

 I never want to turn down an offer of help, especially by someone who knows what he is doing.

My review is already in progress.

My first steps are to import the citations with pdfs that we have already chosen to include/not include for eventual data extraction (using awkward spreadsheets).

I'll start working on that awaiting your porting of the CHARMS data extraction tool.

Next question. I am reading the manual published last September. It is not clear to me what is and what is not exchanged between EPPI-Reviewer and ARCHIE.

Nothing? Something? In which direction?

Thanks again for your offer of help,



New Post
18/04/2016 22:41

Hi Jeff,

I have input the included studies with pdfs.

What progress is there in setting up this data entry?



New Post
19/04/2016 17:03

Hello Nathan,

I started this but got side-tracked. With your reminder I will go back at it again tomorrow.

Best regards,




New Post
03/05/2016 00:27

Do you have an ETA?



New Post
03/05/2016 15:17

Hello Nathan,

I've done some more work on the appraisal tool but I think we might want to combine our efforts to get through this more quickly (I'm only able to work on it when I have some spare time and I seem to have a shortage of that).

I have placed you in the review where I am setting up the tool so we can both access it. I will send you an email on how to proceed so we can both work on it.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Data Entry for Prognostic Model ReviewData Entry for Prognostic Model Review

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