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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Setting up outcome classificationsSetting up outcome classifications
New Post
21/03/2016 15:48


We are designing our data extraction code set and at present are rather confused about how to go about setting up the outcome classifications to be used with the outcome code sets.  We have read the manual, but must be missing something.  Would it be possible to provide a working example (with the neccesary steps) to illustrate how this works?  For instance, if we have different effect sizes reported for different follow up periods, what would we need to do, in what order?

Thanks in advance.

New Post
21/03/2016 16:11

Hello Lisa,

I can explain how to set up outcome classification codes. They are just another code type like the Outcome, Intervention and Comparison code types. You might use classification code types when you have multiple outcomes with the same outcome, intervention and comparison definitions. An example of their use might be subgroup analyses in which results are presented separately for males and females, or to be able to distinguish different types of measurement tool for assessing the same outcome. You could have classification codes which allow you to identify the follow-up period for intervention measurement, as you might have several of these per study. 

I think of the classification codes as a filtering device allowing you to quickly to identify specific sub-sets for meta-analysis.

These classification codes, once added to the coding tool,  will be selectable when you are entering your numeric outcome data in the 'Edit/create outcome' window.

Later when creating a meta-analysis, you can filter the outcomes used based on those classification codes.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Setting up outcome classificationsSetting up outcome classifications

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