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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Editing citation detailsEditing citation details
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17/03/2016 19:01

While obtaining full-text for review, I have noticed that some citation details that were imported into my review are incorrect. Sometimes I am able to add missing information (i.e. Author or Year) but some records do not allow me to edit details such as Title, Author or Abstract. Is there another way to edit the citation details in the Document Details window, do I need to edit the Source data file, or should I delete the record and manually create a corrected version? Please advise.


New Post
21/03/2016 11:50

Hello Mary,

The only reason you would be unable to edit a citation would be if you were restricted to 'read-only' mode or 'coding-only mode. If your user account was expired or if the review was expired and you were not the review owner you would be restricted to read-only mode. As well, you can be given a read-only role or a coding-only role if the review owner or an administrator in the review gives you that role.

If you let me know which review you are talking about I can have a look and let you know what might be happening in your case.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Editing citation detailsEditing citation details

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