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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Re-allocate papers to different coderRe-allocate papers to different coder
New Post
11/03/2016 23:01

Dear ER team,

We are currently conducting double coding of full texts for final inclusion. We have divided the papers into two groups and allocated each group to two coders for double coding. Unfortunately one of our coders cannot complete his allocation and we need to re-allocated the remaining papers to two other coders. Please note that the second coder who was double coding this group has already completed the coding. I have tried to code one of these papers and have noticed that ER allows me to code, but when I go to the Collaborate tab, and check the initial coder's allocation the coded paper does not appear as "started" but as "remaining".

I would like to ask which is the correct way to proceed to re-allocate these papers to new coders. Can we create a new allocation without losing the information of the first coder? Or would it be simpler to login as the coder who is not able to complete his allocation and continue the coding? And in that case would it be possible for the two new coders to login with another id simultaneously?

Many thanks!


New Post
14/03/2016 09:58

Hello Dafni,

In coding assignments it is the allocation code that determines who is assigned which items. I had a look at your review and I can see that one of the reviewers has been assigned 213 items (47 started and 166 remaining). The 213 items are identified by an allocation code called '... - group b'. If you want to give those 166 remaining items to someone else you would removed the 'group b' code from those 166 items and give them a different allocation code (perhaps your 'group a' code). This means that the 166 items would automatically appear in the coding assignments that use the 'group a' allocation code. The allocation codes sit in a different codeset that your screening codeset so none of the screening that has taken place will be changed or lost by adjusting the allocation code(s) that are assigned to an item.

The numbers in the 'started' and 'remaining' columns in a coding assignment are specific to that coding assignment. If the coding assignment belongs to reviewer 1 and reviewer 3 screens those items they will still show as remaining in reviewer 1's coding assignment (as reviewer one hasn't 'started' those items).

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Re-allocate papers to different coderRe-allocate papers to different coder

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