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New Post
09/02/2016 15:16


Why i can't save my report (writed: Unable to save the file)? ID: 7933

Than you!


New Post
09/02/2016 16:26

Hello Karine,

Is the problem with all of your reports or just a particular report. If it is a particular report could you let me know the name of it and I will have a look at it.

Best regards,



New Post
09/02/2016 16:37

Thank you Jeff for your fast answer. It is about the report : "Revue systématique acte de planifier enseignants primaire". Karine

New Post
09/02/2016 16:51

Hello Karine,

I just tried running that report on some items and then saving it and it seemed to work for me. Is it while trying to save the report, after running it,  that you get the error message?

Could I ask whether you are using a Mac with Safari. Recent versions of Safari now have a default setting of running Silverlight in 'Sandbox' mode. This mode restricts plugins such as Silverlight from doing certain things that can include allowing it to access to your file system. You can adjust this setting in Safari's Preferences to take Silverlight out of Sandbox mode.

If you go to Safari preferences, Security and click on Manage Website Settings you can then select Silverlight and tell it to 'Allow' Silverlight to run in, what they are calling, unsafe mode. In the past Silverlight was allowed, by default, to run in this mode but at some point Apple changed this setting. Making this change should allow Silverlight access to your file system so it can save the report. Firefox does not suffer from this so if you can try saving the report when running Firefox then that is probably the problem.

Could you try that and let us know if that fixes the problem.

Best regards,



New Post
09/02/2016 19:02

Hello Jeff,

Yes, it is having obtained the report that I do not save it. I use actually a Mac with firefox. I tried to modify the security on firefox and that changed nothing. I will try to use another computer for this task!

Thank you,


New Post
10/02/2016 15:51

Hello Karine,

This is quite puzzling for us. We have many people using EPPI-Reviewer on their Mac computers and we haven't heard from anyone with this particular issue.

If you can try to run and save the same report using a different computer could you let us know whether it worked for you. If you are still having the same problem then I would like to know a bit more about which items you are including in your report so I can try to recreate the problem on different computers as well.

Best regards,


New Post
12/02/2016 14:18

Hi Jeff,

Exercise makes on another computer and the problem is the same. Error in the coding? What type of information do you need?

Thank you for your help,


New Post
12/02/2016 14:36

New Post
12/02/2016 14:39

New Post
12/02/2016 14:45

Hi Jeff,

We made a try with ten article and that works. The problem seems to be connected with all of articles...


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