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New Post
28/01/2016 10:30

Dear ER team,

we are running a pilot for double coding at full text. We are using the code "PILOT - Full text - Secondary screening". 

Two of the coders have completed the pilot and I tried to run a comparison report. While when I click on view, ER informs that there are 5 agreements and 15 disagreements between the two coders, when I try to run the report I get only comparisons on two references. Could you  tell us why is so, and what do we need to do to have a comparison report on all the coded references under this code?

Many thanks,


New Post
28/01/2016 12:27

Hello Dafni,

I looked at your review and can see the comparison that shows 5/15 agreements and 10/15 disagreements when I click on 'View' (this is in the 'Collaborate' tab).

When you run a 'Quick' report you need to select the codeset or section of the codeset to run the report against. The report looks the direct child codes of the level that you select. Since you have set up your screening tool with multiple levels of hierarchy (rather than a single level that you get with the screening codeset type) you will need to run multiple reports to see the comparison at each level. If you select at the codeset level you only get 2 items because only 2 items have codes at that first level. If you select a lower level (such as 'Set A' you will get more items).

The reconcile screen (that you get through 'View') will show all work at all levels but to determine the path to the response you will need to click on the answer (to get the full path).

Since your tool has been set up with multiple levels you might find it easier to use the 'Run comparison' function that can be found in the 'Coding record' tab that can be found in the 'Document details' window (that opens when you 'Go' into an item). It will be one item at a time but you will see all work by both reviewers.

Best regards,


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