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New Post
26/01/2016 19:51
Hello, I am going through duplicates on a shareable review, and there is one article for some reason where duplicate button options are inaccessible -- they just look gray on my screen and I cannot click them. What might cause this and how do I fix it?
New Post
27/01/2016 09:40

Hello Hannah,

When you see those disabled buttons it indicates that you have overlapping duplicate groups. This can happen when 'Get new duplicates' is run multiple times as new items are uploaded into the review and an item ends up in two duplicate groups. If that item happens to be a master item in one group it will be greyed out in the second group to stop you from marking it as a duplicate.

The way to deal with overlapping groups is described in the user manual under 'Overlapping duplicate groups' (pg. 36). The basic process is:

1. Select the group with the greyed out items from the list of groups on the left
2. Go to the Manual/Advanced tab and use the ‘find related groups’ function to identify the overlapping groups. (Click on 'Find' and then 'Go' for 'Find related groups:')
3. Among the related list of overlapping groups, there should be one group that contains all of the items found in the other related groups. This will be the group with the highest Group ID number (the most recently created group). You can examine the items in each group if you wish to confirm this.
4. Delete all of the other related groups. This is done by selecting the group to delete over on the left and clicking on the trash can icon (labelled Delete the current group).
5. You should now just have a single group of duplicates rather than overlapping groups.

Best regards,


New Post
27/01/2016 22:05
This was helpful for most of my articles, so thank you for that, but I still have two different groups of duplicates that aren't letting me access the buttons. I try to search related groups and it only brings up one group in the left sidebar, so there is nothing for me to delete. What do I do?
New Post
27/01/2016 23:05
Never mind, I had the False filter turned on. All of it worked, thank you so much for the help!
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