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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Inductive Line-by-line code comparisionInductive Line-by-line code comparision
New Post
24/01/2016 03:58

I am looking to do inductive full text double coding of articles. What is the best way to compare each coder's work and clear discrepancies?

New Post
25/01/2016 13:59

Hello Cara,

You need to compare inductive coding on a per item basis. This is done in the 'Coding record' tab than can be found in the 'Document details' window (where you do your coding).

In the 'Coding record' tab you can see all of the coding that has taken place on a particular item. If two people have coded the same item using the same coding tool they will each have a row with their name and the coding tool. If you select each person and click the 'Run comparison' button a window will appear with each person's coding in a different colour. Because this window is in html you can move it outside of EPPI-Reviewer. This will allow you to edit one of the two versions of coding to create an agreed version.

Best regards,



New Post
25/01/2016 15:52
Thanks! Is there a way to also view for consensus the percentage to which coders are in agreement while using data extraction tools?
New Post
25/01/2016 16:37

Hello Cara,

There isn't a mechanism to score agreements in a data extraction (standard) coding tool. We have found that the nature of data extraction, which normally includes textual responses, means that disagreement is the norm. Visual comparison, carried out in the same way as I described earlier is how we identify disagreements.

It is possible to run comparisons in a complex coding tool (such as a data extraction tool) using the 'Live comparison' function (the button next to the 'Run comparison' button that I mentioned in my earlier response) but this is at a single level of hierarchy in the coding tool. The 'Live comparison' will let you see the code selected and any textual response from each coder.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Inductive Line-by-line code comparisionInductive Line-by-line code comparision

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