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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Paraller coding phasesParaller coding phases
New Post
03/12/2015 10:30

Dear ER team,

We are running out of time so we have decided to go for paraller coding phases, i.e.   while we are allocating the items included in the code 'Include on Title and Abstract' (under Screening on Title and Abstract) to three coders that will code them using the coding set: Phase 2: Screening on Title and Abstract, a fourthe coder is coding using the first coding set (Screening on Title and Abstract) and including items to Include on Title and Abstract.

My concerns is the following:

a)If we allocate randomly the items for phase 2 coding on Title and Abstract, and then add new items to the source (i.e. the code Include on Title and Abstract), are the lastest additions going to be allocated automatically? ( my guess is not, but just checking)

b) How can we make sure that when we finishing coding the new additions, by picking up  only the items that have not been coded from the code Include on Title adn Abstract for coding on Phase 2 Screening on T&A? 

c) would it be better to have the new additions coded with a separate coding set so that we can separate the bunches for phase 2?

Not sure I made myself clear, happy to explain better by email or skype.



I'm not sure


New Post
04/12/2015 13:54

This thread was continued in email exchanges.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Paraller coding phasesParaller coding phases

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