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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Export reference in EPPI-ReviewExport reference in EPPI-Review
New Post
30/11/2015 16:23

Dear Jeff,

I would like to export all the documents that have been screened . At the moment I used the tool Reports. However this allows retrieving studies by shorttile, or year etc, only whyle I would like to have a standardise reference of these studies (Authors, title, publications year or publication etc). How can I do that?


Many thanks in advance for your help.


Best regards,



New Post
30/11/2015 16:32

Hello Maria,

There are a couple of different ways to do this. If you just need each reference in a citation you can select your references and click the 'List formatted bibliography' icon (the one that looks like a printer in the 'Documents' tab). This will list the references in the 'Report viewer' where you can save the results as a Word, text or html file.

If you need to have the data in a particular format you can select and export the references as an RIS formatted file. An RIS formatted file can be imported into most reference management software such as EndNote where you will have access to hundreds of different citation formats. To export your references you should list and select them (in the 'Documents' tab) and then click the 'Export references' icon.

Best regards,


New Post
01/12/2015 11:25

Hello Jeff,


thanks a lot for your reply. Small clarification: I tried to do the second option and it got store as txt file, how can I make it RIS file?thanks again and best

New Post
01/12/2015 11:29

Hello Maria,

An RIS formatted file is a text file. You could change the extension of the file to .ris if you wish (although most reference management software will be happy with either .txt or .ris).

Best regards,


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