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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...creating meta-analysis with binary outcome... why are ALL studies auto-selected?creating meta-analysis with binary outcome... why are ALL studies auto-selected?
New Post
25/11/2015 04:08

With any of the binary outcomes for a new meta-analysis, ALL the studies/comparisons are automatically checked.  This means you have to go through and UNCHECK all the comparisons that you don't want in a specific meta-analysis.

For a review with 40 studies, many of which are multi-arm trials, this is quite time consuming.

Is there a way around this?

New Post
25/11/2015 15:32

Hello Amanda,

I don't believe there is a way to deal with this in the interface when dealing with just the outcome codes but what you could do is use classification codes or standard codes (using the 'add a column option) to filter the outcomes and avoid having to uncheck so many rows.

You can find details of this in the user manual under 'Setting up your meta-analysis' (pg 93). If you look at the 'How the Intervention / Outcome / Comparison and Outcome Classification codes can be used' diagram you can see how the 'classification codes' can be used to filter the outcomes. You could also use normal codes to filter the outcomes (see the diagram 'How you can use generic study-level codes to organise outcomes in your meta-analysis').

Best regards,




HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...creating meta-analysis with binary outcome... why are ALL studies auto-selected?creating meta-analysis with binary outcome... why are ALL studies auto-selected?

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