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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Retrieving full texts Retrieving full texts
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29/10/2015 08:36

Dear ER team,

We have now screened on title and abstract and we need to retrieve the full texts of the included references. 

Is there a way ER can search the web for the PDFs?

I have seen that there is a "Find" bottom when you open a reference, but

a) it is configurated to look in google, can we change that?

b) can ER do it for all the included refs at once,without the need of clicking one by one all the references? Endnote does that, although it doesn't work always very well..

c) If it is not possible to have ER searching automatically for full texts, what do you suggest? Would exporting to Endnote and having Endnote look for full texts be a good idea?

Many thanks!


New Post
29/10/2015 10:27

Hello Dafni,

Finding ways to automate the process of locating and retrieving full text documents will always present challenges. It usually involves two steps: identifying where the document can be obtained and then finding a way to retrieve it.

The Find option in EPPI-Reviewer addresses the first step. It will generate a search based on title and author and run it in Google. We use Google because it will search everywhere possible including Google scholar. If the item is accessible to Google's trawling it will find it. Although there isn't a way to change the search engine the 'Find' function uses you could cut and paste the Google search into other search tools such as Bing.

Addressing the second step, retrieval, can be a bigger problem. Reviewers will have varying levels of access to different journals depending on the access their home institution provides. We are lucky that being based at UCL in London we have access to a large number of the world's journals. Many reviewers will not have that level of access so trying to automate this process would be very difficult as we wouldn't know the level of access each reviewer has.

To further complicate the issue, you might have access to a particular journal but the item you require might not be available in electronic format. You would still be required to order a copy of it (or photo copy it)

Taking all of this into consideration it means that creating a 'one-click' system for retrieval would be very difficult. I understand that EndNote tries to do something like this but as you mention it doesn't always work very well and any time it may save you could be lost sorting out it's 'almost found' items. We still do most of our retrieval on an item-by-item basis as we haven't found a system that works better (yet). If you want to try EndNote you could export your 'includes' from EPPI-Reviewer and import them into EndNote.

You could also look at Mendeley to help with full text retrieval. I'm not familiar with it but I understand it tries to do something similar to EndNote.

Best regards,





New Post
29/10/2015 13:49

Hello Dafni,

I wanted to follow-up on my last reply.

I was just talking with someone at the EPPI-Centre who uses EndNote for their document retrieval and they found it work very well for them. It appears that how well it works depends on the access your institution has to different journals. As I mentioned earlier, being at UCL in London we have very good access and they find that EndNote does a really good job of automatically finding the references.

It is probably worth giving the EndNote method a try to see how well it will work for you.

The only tricky bit is that there isn't a method to take the retrieved documents and bring them back into EPPI-Reviewer automatically. You will still need to do that one item at a time. This is something we will want to look at in the future to make it a bit more automatic.

Best regards,



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