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New Post
19/10/2015 22:34
Hello, I have just started using EPPI and I'm finding it difficult to view the things that I have included and excluded in my review. I am currently just doing a practice review to get familiar with the program before I attempt to mess with the shareable review that I have access to. I did a PubMed search and imported several references (42ct.). I then proceeded to start coding as the instructional videos indicate, by checking the coding boxes and proceeding to the next one. EPPI appears to be saving the codes just fine (the checks show up by the documents), but when I go to see how many I have excluded, the program indicates that I have not excluded any! I cannot generate reports either. Am I missing something? I haven't been pressing the save button for each document because it saves automatically when I code, but other than that, I do not see what I am doing wrong. Please let me know how to proceed! Hannah
New Post
20/10/2015 10:50

Hello Hannah,

I had a look at your review. Your screening tool is set for 'comparison' coding. You can tell this because its icon has two heads rather than one. In comparison coding the expectation is that two people will be coding the same items independently and then comparing their work to find their agreements and disagreements. This means that coding isn't automatically marked as 'complete' until an agreed version of the coding is chosen. For an item's coding to be available to the program's searching and reporting functions it has to be marked as 'complete'. This explains why you can see your item's coding.

If you look in the 'Review statistics' tab you can see that there are 42 items coded using the 'Screen on Title & Abstract' coding tool in the 'Incomplete coding' table. You will need to change these item's coding to 'complete' (with respect to the 'Screen on Title & Abstract' coding tool).  You can do this by expanding 'Screen on Title & Abstract'  in the  'Incomplete coding' table. You should then see your name with 42 next to it. If you click on the green checkmark in the row with your name you can 'complete' those 42 items based on your coding. Once that coding is marked as 'complete' it will be available to the program's searching and reporting functions.

Since you are the only person coding in your review you should change the 'Screen on Title & Abstract' coding tool to 'normal' coding (rather than 'comparison' coding). This is a property of the codeset that you can change by right-clicking the codeset and selecting 'properties' and then clicking the 'change to normal coding' link. Once it is set for 'normal' coding each time you code an item that coding will be marked as 'complete' automatically and be available to the program's searching and reporting functions.

Best regards,


New Post
23/10/2015 13:47
Thank you! This was very helpful.
New Post
23/10/2015 14:05
Okay now I do not understand how to create a flow diagram. The codes are listed as "complete" now but every time I try to access a work flow diagram like it shows in the demo video, I cannot get it to work. How do you create a new diagram?
New Post
23/10/2015 14:33

Hello Hannah,

The "Diagrams" tab doesn't really require to create a new diagram, the main "white" area in that tab already is a diagram space, ready for use.
I took the liberty of looking into your review and found that you had a diagram saved, called "Review flow", to help you get started, I right clicked the first "Screening" codeset and picked the "insert child codes in diagram" option. This created 10 boxes in the diagram, one per each Include/Exclude code. I then moved the boxes around, clicked "Add counts" to include coding numbers within each box, and changed the colour of the "exclude" codes. I finished off by clicking "save" (saved as your only existing diagram "Review Flow", which was empty).
To see the result, you may go to the"diagrams" tab, click "load" and pick the only option you'll get. By default, the page shows a new empty diagram.
Overall, the diagramming functions of EPPI-Reviewer are a little cluncky, the way point-and-click works is a little confusing at first, but they still allow to generate flow diagrams to any desired level of detail. Also: the "coding numbers" get automatically updated each time you load the graph, so there is no need to collect and collate the numbers manually.

I hope this helps,

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