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New Post
12/10/2015 17:16


I can't find how to delete diagrams I do not want. While making a complicated workflow chart, I saved periodically (without changing the name). When I later went to load the diagram, I found a stack of 10 versions, each capturing a saved state of my chart! and all having the same name. I've saved the newest version of the diagram under a "version 2" name, and now want to delete the older versions. 

Is this functionality in the software somewhere?


M Garrett/ETSU


New Post
13/10/2015 11:34

Hello Mike,

It shouldn't be creating a new diagram when you click Save. I just ran a few tests and I think I understand what is happening. If you create a new diagram and save it multiple times before the review is reloaded then it appears to be creating multiple versions. Once you have reloaded the review subsequent saves behave as expected. You should find that subsequent 'Saves' of your diagram will now work correctly.This is something we will need to have a closer look at and fix.

As well, I was a bit surprised that we didn't have a delete option when listing the diagrams. That is something that should be there so it has now been added to our to-do list.

In the meantime, I can remove the older diagrams from your list if you wish.  Your most recent diagram is 'Workflow diagram. v2'. If that is the version you wish to work with I can remove the earlier ones. Just let me know if you would like me to remove the other ones.

Best regards,


New Post
13/10/2015 17:10

 Hello Jeff

Yes, "workflow diagram. v2' is the only one I want. I'd be greatful to have the other ones removed.

I've just reloaded the review and tested the thing out. I loaded ".v2" added a node, then saved and it seems to have overwrit the original as expected. I loaded an old version, and then tried to reload "v2" again. It worked fine... no duplicate were saved.


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