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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Is there a way to include Linked Records in formatted bibliography?Is there a way to include Linked Records in formatted bibliography?
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19/08/2015 16:11

I have entered linked record IDs with each of our included studies.  Is there a way to include them in the "List Formatted Bibliography" command?

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20/08/2015 10:52

Hi Amanda,
I'm afraid there isn't a direct and easy way, no. Indirectly it's not going to be straightforward either. The only way I see is to do this from the main EPPI-Reviewer application is to slowly add all linked studies to an ad-hoc code and thus make it easier to find all refs linked to your includes in one single click.

However, we are planning to improve our facilities for linking references and eventually support a proper studification process (see the CRS approach here). I can promise that at the same time we will make sure that all reporting features will be able to automatically pull together linked records, but I don't know when the improvements will start appearing. Apologies for not having thought about this earlier, and thanks for the heads up, this does look like something we should try to implement swiftly.

For the time being, I'll be in touch via email: we can use some behind the scenes trickery to help you out.

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Is there a way to include Linked Records in formatted bibliography?Is there a way to include Linked Records in formatted bibliography?

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