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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Eppi-R4 query re double blinded codingEppi-R4 query re double blinded coding
New Post
18/03/2015 06:11
Hello, We are having trouble setting up the function in our shared review to enable two reviewers to independently code the same text. The account is in the name of Janet Cook, and the review is called ‘PCPC interviews’. Both reviewers can see the same text and codes (which we want) but the person we invited to share our review can also see what text we’ve coded with the codes (which we don’t want). I have tried to assign work and set up a comparison between the reviewers under the ‘collaborate’ tab but get an error message. Can you please advise? Thanks, Tim Luckett
New Post
18/03/2015 15:58

Hello Janet, Tim,

I had a look at the review and noticed that its set-up is a bit unusual. Each of the questions that would normally make up a coding tool have been placed in their own coding tool. This may be contributing to what you have described as you have a mix of 'completed' and 'uncompleted' coding for a particular coding tool.

If you look in the Review statistics tab you can see that coding for some items is marked as complete (with respect to a question/coding tool) while others are 'uncompleted'. The items that are marked as 'complete' will be the ones that your third reviewer is seeing when they try to code the items.
If you want that coding to be invisible to the third reviewer you are going to need to 'uncomplete' that coding. This can be done in the 'Review statistics' tab by expanding the appropriate coding tool and clicking the red disc next to the reviewers name. This will 'uncomplete' that coding so the third reviewer will not be able see other' reviewer's coding when they are carrying out their own coding.

As for the error message, could you let me know what it says. Or, if possible, could you send us a screen-shot to so we can see what might be happening.

Best regards,

New Post
18/03/2015 23:12

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your reply.

I have gone into the system and reset the codes to have a green tick (uncompleted) as you suggest. But am I right in thinking the red stop sign and green tick have the opposite meanings when applying the codes to document text? Currently all the codes appear with a red stop sign and say 'incomplete' when you hover over them. If this is the case, it is very confusing!

I have no doubt the problem with asigning work and setting up a comparison is due to my lack of expertise and could be related to the unusual way we've set the codes up (though don't understand what you mean there either!). Currently the only option for assigning work seems to be to enter the same values for 'group' as for 'code' which doesn't make much sense I think? If this is the way to do it, does this mean I have to go through each and every child code assigning it to both reviewers or is there a short cut?

Another strange thing is that the reviewer we invited can't see her own codes when she right clicks in text view to 'show text coded with this code'. But I can see she has added codes when I look at the review statistics.

Sorry to be so inept! I did use EPPI several years ago but am having trouble remembering, and I think things may have changed a bit too.

Thanks v much,





New Post
19/03/2015 11:00

Hello Tim,

I didn't realise you were talking about using the line-by-line pdf coding functions in your original email but that won't change the meaning of red as indicating 'not complete' and green as 'complete'. If you are stepping through the items in the 'Document details' window the colours will indicate the items status with respect to the codeset.
The reason they are flipped in the 'Review statistics' tab is that it is indicating what you can change it to the opposite status. By clicking on the red disc in the 'Completed' coding table you can change the item's status to 'not complete'.

What I meant by how the codes are set up is that the multiple coding tools you have created would normally be contained in a single coding tool. The tool would have a number of sections with each section containing a number of questions and each question would contain a number of possible answers. You can see an example of this in the example review that was placed in your account when you created your user account. If you look at the data extraction tool you can see what I mean. What you have done is not 'wrong' but it might make things more confusing.

Are we talking about the 'PCPC' review? If I look at that review I can see there are two reviewers in it (Deborah and Janet). From your original message I was understanding that a third person was involved. Was I mistaken about that?

 The line-by-line pdf coding functionality will work as expected when your coding tool is set for 'comparison' coding (two heads on the coding tool).  Because the coding is not 'complete' it will not be available to the program's searching and reporting functions. This will include the 'show text coded with this code' report. That is why you are not seeing anything when they click on 'show text coded with this code'.
 If they want to see their coding for a particular item they can click on the 'Coding record' tab (in the 'Document details' window), find the correct codeset and name in the table and click 'View' for that row. Their selected codes and pdf text will be displayed for that codeset.
 If you have any questions about this please let us know.
 Best regards,

New Post
20/03/2015 00:47

Thanks Jeff - that explains quite a bit. It is indeed the PCPC interviews review we're talking about, and there are only 2 reviewers (Janet and Deborah). I am working with them and trying to help out (though not sure I'm doing a good job!).

I still can't get the comparison to work I'm afraid perhaps complicated by the unusual way we've set up the codes? when i go into the coding record tab for a document that has been coded by both people (e.g. CMA) I can view their comments separately, but when I tick both names for the same code (e.g. J what stoppages have there been?') and click 'run comparison' it only gives me the codes for one person not both.

Can you please advise?



New Post
20/03/2015 08:18
Hello Tim, I have had a look at this and I think I understand what is happening. It appears that if the codetype is not set to 'selectable' then the highlighted pdf text is not included in the report when you select the reviewers and click 'Run comparison'. I tried this on your section J and when I changed the 'none' code to selectable (so a checkbox is visible) then Janet's code became visible (as that was the only code that she had applied text to). What you will need to do is to make all of your codes that you are applying pdf text to as selectable (this is a property of the code). You can tell if it is selectable because it will have a checkbox next to it so if you change the properties while in the 'Document details' window you will be able to easily see if the code is selectable or not. I don't remember if this behaviour is by design so we will be looking into it further. Best regards, Jeff
New Post
25/03/2015 01:16

Thanks Jeff. I have been through and changed all the codes to selectable and this has worked - i can now see both Deborah's and Janet's codes when I run a comparison.

However, you will see from the CMA coding record that it looks as though Deborah has only used 3 codes - E, F and J. When I queried this with her, she said she had used all the parent codes from A through N and also added a couple of child codes for E and J. Do you know why these are not showing up please?

Thanks again,


New Post
25/03/2015 10:29

Hello Tim,

If you look in the 'Review statistics' tab and expand each of the codesets you can see that Deborah has used all of them. If you look at codeset A (in the 'Review statistics' tab) you can see there are two items where she applied codes to. If you click on the '2' to list those items and go into the first one you can see the coding that Deborah has done using that codeset. You can do this by going to the 'Coding records' tab and click 'View' in the row that is codeset A and has Deborah's name. You can also compare the coding on this item between Deborah and Janet.

Perhaps you were looking at an item that didn't have coding using codeset A and that was why you didn't see any coding for Deborah?

Best regards,

New Post
07/04/2015 05:49

Thanks Jeff. This suggestion offers a new way of looking at codings but doesn't reveal any codes that Deborah used for CMA other than those identified by the first method I tried. I guess her codes must have somehow not saved or else gotten lost and she will have to redo.





New Post
08/04/2015 13:37

Hello Tim,

If we are only talking about the item with 'CMA' as its title then there are only 3 codesets that Deborah has used in coding that item (codesets E,F and J).

The only scenario I can think of where she could have coded the CMA item using other codesets but not have that information displayed is if she was coding the item using a codeset whose coding was already marked as 'complete'. In that situation Deborah's coding would then become part of the 'completed' coding and not show as her own coding (but rather the person who's coding is the 'completed' version). Is that a possibility?

Best regards,


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