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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...synthetic table  per codesynthetic table per code
New Post
05/02/2015 09:29

 Hi Jeff; 


I have a group of documents and I would like to create a table that tells me how many studies are on that specific country, how many studies focus on that specific year. Is there a way to have a synthetic table with this info? 


thanks in advance

New Post
05/02/2015 09:54

Hello Maria,

This sounds like you would want to run a Frequency report or perhaps a Cross-tabs report. The way to do that would depend on how your coding tool is set up. When you run a frequency report you select a code (or codeset) for the parent level and the frequencies of that code's child codes will be displayed.

For example, if you had a question in your coding tool such  'What country was...' and you had selected the appropriate county from a list of countries (that were child codes) you could then run a frequency on  'What country was...' . The frequency of selection for each country would then be displayed in the frequency report.

A cross tab report is similar except that it shows the intersection the two questions so you can see the frequency of selection of code 1 and code 2 (each from different questions).

If the frequencies you are looking for are spread across many different questions then you might need to build up your results until you get the combinations that you require.

The frequency and cross-tab reports can be exported as an excel file, a word file or a CSV file.

Best regards,


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