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New Post
08/01/2015 21:10

Dear EPPI team!

I am a new EPPI user. Could you advise me where I can find the list of all duplicates of my review (Social media)? The matter is that, even I run the duplicate report there were still many duplicates in my review. I have checked half of the items in my review and identified circa 500 more duplicates. I was manually assigning them duplicate status just apparently have missed the grouping step. Now I can see that in my review statistics that the number of duplicates reflects my work. However, I am concerned that some of the duplicates I assigned manually should definitely have duplicate groups. I wanted to cross check the list of all the duplicates vs the list of groups. Could you advise me where I can find this list of all duplicates and what would be the most time efficient way to assign the manually added duplicates to the goups as it is very urgent work?

Thank you very much in advance for your prompt repy.

With my best regards,


New Post
09/01/2015 09:06

Hello Aizhan,

There isn't  a way to just list all items that are duplicates. If you list items by source (in the 'Sources' tab) you can see the duplicate items as they have an 'S' (Shadow) flag next to them.

If you have completed the duplicate checking process but are still seeing some duplicates in your remaining items then those will be items that the system didn't recognise as possible duplicates. There are functions to deal with those items. You will find the process described in the user manual under 'Manually creating a duplicate' (pg 28). You can either add the duplicate item to an existing duplicate group (if one exists) or you can create a new duplicate group and place all of the items in it. This is done in the 'Manual/Advance' tab of the 'Manage duplicate groups' window.

To manually add an item to an existing duplicate group make sure the duplicate item(s) is listed and selected in the 'Documents' tab, go into  the  'Manage duplicates' and go to the  'Manual/Advance' tab of the 'Manage duplicate groups' window. If you then select the duplicate group on the left side that you want to add the item to you can then click 'Add selected' items which will place your selected items into that existing duplicate group.

Best regards,


New Post
09/01/2015 10:26

 Dear Jeff,

Thank you very much for your reply.

My problem is that I have already done what you are suggesting, i.e. was mannually adding the duplicates, but missed grouping them step so probably now I have several identical duplicate groups which will affect my review statistics. Now don't know how to cross check the groups vs manually added items and based on your above comment it looks like it is not possible.  Will I/you be able to  reset just "Manually added duplicates" and leave the duplicate groups (3714) identified automaticaly. In this case I can review and classify remaining duplicates manually from the beggining and not only assign them duplicate status, but also group them to duplicate groups? The problem is if I reset all duplicates, I will need to start all work from the beginning, and I have almost completed it.

Thank you very much.





New Post
09/01/2015 11:35

Hello Aizhan,

You can get the total number of duplicates (and a breakdown of where they are from based on the source) in the 'Sources' tab. For your review there were 25312 items imported into the software. 4273 items have been marked as a duplicate. This leaves 21039 items which matches the 19444 'E' items plus 1595 'I' items =  21039 items that are in your review.

Even if you have overlapping duplicate groups (where an item might be in two duplicate groups) you have 'completed' sorting out all of your duplicate groups. This means that the statistics that you are seeing in the 'Sources' tab is an accurate reflection of the number of duplicates in your review.

If you still come across items that need to be marked as duplicates and manually mark them as such you will see the statistics in the source tab change accordingly.

Best regards,
Jeff Brunton

New Post
09/01/2015 12:20

 Dear Jeff,


I see. Could you just advise me how I can check now whether I have overlapping groups? I have read the manual, but it is still not very clear or my system is not working.

Please confirm that my understanding is correct: In order to see newly added duplicates I should click "refresh duplicates" and they should appear on the list on the left? However, when I do it, I still get 3417 groups that were assigned automaticaly. Yesterday I have assigned circa 500 duplicate statuses manually. I can see that this number was accurately reflected in statistics, but when I click get new duplicates, they are not shown. I am also sure that they were not grouped with other duplicates as I remember there were items that I cannot see in the list of groups. Don't know how I should explain otherwise my problem. Could you advise if there is a way to reset the status just of the duplicates added manually?

Thank you,



New Post
12/01/2015 11:35

Hello Aizhan,

You can tell that you have overlapping duplicate groups if you are unable to complete a duplicate group. If a duplicate group has a checkmark next to it (in the list of duplicate groups in the 'Manage duplicate groups' window) it is complete. If the 'Not a duplicate' or ' A duplicate' buttons for any item in a duplicate group are disabled then you will be unable to complete that group. Since all of your duplicate groups have a checkbox next to them they have all been completed. This means that you do not have any overlapping duplicate groups.

I'm not sure if I  understand when you say that you added 500 duplicates manually. Do you mean that you added those items to existing duplicate groups? In that case the number of duplicate groups would not have gone up. Or do you mean that you created new duplicate groups and placed items into those new groups?

Best regards,


New Post
12/01/2015 14:43

 Dear Jeff,

Thank you for your reply. I have figured out the mistake I was doing. Basically, I was grouping all the duplicates that I identified manually under one group that was open. Could you help me with something else? I think there is some problem with the system as I am unable to get frequencies for "excluded documents". It does not bring me any result. But when I do the the same for included documents, it works. Could you kinldy advise me what to do? 

Could you also advise me another thing? Whether there is "Language" box in "Citation details"? I am unable to find it just was thinking may be I am not looking in the right place. I need it to filter the articles by language.


Thank you and have a nice day.


New Post
12/01/2015 15:15

Hello Aizhan,

I just tried running a frequency report using your 'Screen on title' codeset (using the excluded documents option) and was seeing the same as you (i.e. nothing). It appears the query is timing out before returning the results.

We have now re-indexed the database which appears to have corrected the problem. When I run it now I am seeing results. You should be able to run it now as well.

There isn't a citation field for language. Normally we would keep track of the language by having a code for it in one of our coding tools. That will allow us to include that information in frequency and crosstab reports.

Best regards,



New Post
13/01/2015 12:10

 Dear Jeff,


Just wanted to say that everything is working today. Thank you and have a nice day.



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