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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...exporting frequency table in Excel formatexporting frequency table in Excel format
New Post
02/12/2014 05:31



when Iclick on  export a frequency table in excel format , it seems to work but it does not seem to save it in excel format.


I am using  microsoft excel for mac 2011


My question:

is this issue related to the excel software or the  function in the Eppi software?


 thank you 

New Post
02/12/2014 14:42

Hello Shaikhah,

I just tried to save a frequency report as an excel file. When I opened the file in excel I got the message "The file format and the extension of ... do not match...Do you want to open it anyway?".

If I say yes to that prompt I am able to open the file in excel? Are you not able to?

I am on a PC rather than a Mac so if you are unable to open the file it might be related to that. I will need to check what happens when I try to open the file on Mac.

As for why that message is appearing, I don't have an answer at this point but it sounds like there is an issue with how the excel file is structured.

Best regards,


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