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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Unable to Run ReportsUnable to Run Reports
New Post
20/10/2014 17:57

 I have followed the online video on creating and running reports, but when I press the GO button EPPI-Reviewer says I do not have a report selected, even though I do.


Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

New Post
21/10/2014 11:18

Hello Kirsten,

I'm assuming that you mean the configurable reports that you create in the 'Reports' tab.

Could you confirm that a report is listed in the top dropdown menu (in the 'Reports' window that is displayed when you click on the 'Run' link). By default a report is not selected requiring the user to select one.

If you let me know the review ID and the name of the report you wish to run I can have a look at it.

Best regards,


New Post
21/10/2014 15:52

 Hi Jeff,

Yes, that is what I am referring to. The report name is listed in the dropdown list after I click the Run link.

The review ID is 5027 and the report name is IBD Data Abstraction.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


New Post
22/10/2014 10:54

Hello Kirsten,

I think I understand what is going on.

I just tried running that report against the 4 items that you have coded using your 'Study' codeset. The report was generated and displayed correctly for me. I think what may have happened for you is that you didn't select the items that you wanted to be in your report. You can either select the items in the 'Documents' tab before you go into the 'Reports' tab or you can select the items using the 'Items to include' dropdown menu that you can find in the 'Reports' window that opens when you click on 'Run' (in the 'Reports' tab).

I tried running the report without selecting any items and the message that comes up is 'Sorry: you don't have a report selected'. This isn't the correct message and appears to be a bug that we need to correct. It should say that you don't have any items selected.

You should still be able to run your report if you select the items that will make up the report.

Best regards,




New Post
22/10/2014 17:52


That worked! Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly and ensuring my issue was resolved.



New Post
23/10/2014 10:21

Hello Kirsten,

Just as a follow-up to this question the update that we carried out yesterday (Wed Oct 22) corrected the issue of the wrong error  message. If someone tries to run a report now and they have not selected any items then they will get the correct message.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Unable to Run ReportsUnable to Run Reports

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