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New Post
10/09/2014 20:31

 Hi, when i upload a pdf it does not allow me to view it as a pdf. It only allows me to view it as text. When i hit view pdf it starts to load, but never goes through. It is not the size of the document because i have tried one page documents. Why is this?

New Post
11/09/2014 11:34

Hello Clay,

What you are describing suggests that you may be using Chrome on a PC. Is that true? Google Chrome and Microsoft Silverlight (the browser plugin that EPPI-Reviewer runs in) have some compatibility issues that prevents the displaying of the pdfs within the application. For this reason we suggest using Internet Explorer or Firefox when running EPPI-Reviewer on a PC. If you are running EPPI-Reviewer on a Mac then you should be able to use either Safari or Firefox.

If you are not using Chrome (on a PC) please let us know and we can look into this in more detail.

Best regards,


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