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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Uploading PDF problems Uploading PDF problems
New Post
09/07/2014 12:06
I have tried to upload a PDF but failed, when I go back into the record to try again it has the same ! about PDF size, however the PDF is not large but wont clear the exclamation mark. I can move forward?
New Post
09/07/2014 13:05

Dear Jackie,

I am not sure I understand your exact problem details, but this may be a known and solvable issue with Safari.

Relatively recent versions of Safari now have a default setting of running Silverlight in 'Sandbox' mode. This mode protects the user by restricting plugins such as Silverllight from doing certain things that can include allowing it access to your file system to upload files. You can adjust this setting in Safari's Preferences to take Silverlight out of Sandbox mode.

If you go to Safari preferences, Security and click on Manage Website Settings you can then select Silverlight and tell it to 'Allow' Silverlight to run in, what they are calling, unsafe mode. In the past Silverlight was allowed, by default, to run in this mode but at some point Apple changed this setting. Making this change should allow you to upload your files (you will need to restart Safari after making this change). Firefox does not suffer from this at all.

If the above doesn't apply to you, please come back to us with more details, I will need to know the exact procedure you are following, with a description of what goes wrong. The more details, the better. It is also possible that you are experiencing a problem with the particular file you are trying to upload, if that's the case, you may want to send us the file to "" including the review details, and an indication of what item should receive the given file (please indicate the item ID).

I hope this helps,


New Post
09/07/2014 16:01
Hi, I am using Internet Explorer 10, how do we 'Allow' Silverlight to run? Regards, Jackie
New Post
09/07/2014 16:11

this means the problem is something else (not the Safari issue I've covered earlier).

Could you please try the following for us?

1. Send us the details of the problem you are experiencing in a step by step manner (click-by-click, if possible).
2. open up the "document details" window for a new item (e.g. a reference that has no history of failed uploads)
3. try to upload a new (never tried before) document. Does this work?

If it does, the problem you are experiencing is almost certain to have something to do with the specific PDF you are trying to upload, if that's the case please send the file over to along with the instructions we'll need to identify the document that should receive it. We usually can solve this kind of problem, but I need to be able to isolate the issue.

Many thanks and apologies for the inconvenience,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Uploading PDF problems Uploading PDF problems

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