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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...How to use a "double" coding?How to use a "double" coding?
New Post
03/07/2014 13:49

Hi everyone,

I have an isssue with getting the number of records within a certain code. I hope I will be able to exaplin my issue clearly.

So, I am in the Frequency tab and I want to know how many records withing To be Tracked are electronic.

To do that I do this way:

Click on To be tracked (code within Citation tracking)>Set>then I'll click on Get the frequencies.

By doing so I will get the number of records that are Electronic. Then if I open these records, some of them are coded as Hard copies but these should not come up if I put the filter to Electronic as Electronic and Hard copies are 2 separate filters. So what happens is that if a record is a hard copy, then the Electronic code will be totally empty. Despite of that, when I ask for the frequency of electronic records, EPPI will include it as electronic even if this clearly is not the case.

How can this be fixed?

I hope I managed to make myslef clear...

Many thanks!



New Post
03/07/2014 15:01

Hello Maria,

I’m not sure if I understand your question but perhaps the confusion is on how the frequency function works? If you select a code to run a frequency report the system will report on the frequencies of the children of the selected code. If you run a frequency on the code ‘To be tracked’ it will be the children of the  ‘To be tracked’ code that will be displayed. If ‘to be tracked’ does not have any children then you will not see anything. If you just want to see the frequency of the single code then you could right click that code and select ‘List items with this code’. The items that have been assigned that code will be listed.

I’m not sure what you are referring to with respect to Electronic and Hard copy. Are these codes that you have assigned to items? EPPI-Reviewer will not automatically assign codes based on whether they are electronic or hard copy. A person would need to do that manually. Or am I misunderstanding what you are asking?

Best regards,

New Post
03/07/2014 15:26

Hi Jeff,


Thanks for your answer.

Yes, it is a bit difficult to explain. See, basically my point is: how can you put two filters in your query?

I want EPPI to show me the number of records within one code IF another code is equal to something else. It should be doable. So, how would you go if you had to ask EPPI to list all the items which are categorized as apples and big? I don't know if my issue is now clearer...

Many thanks!


New Post
03/07/2014 16:15

Hello Maria,

It sounds like what you need is to use Boolean operators to create the filter. One way to do this is use the crosstabs function to find the intersect of two codes. You could also do this by running two searches and combining them to create a third. Once you have identified the items that you wish to filter by you could then assign a code to them and use that code as your filter in the frequency report.

Best regards,


New Post
03/07/2014 16:37

mmmm ok.

I tried it but no output apperead. I will now read more on the manuals and if I am still stuck I will write here again on this post.




New Post
03/07/2014 17:24

Hello Maria,

Crosstabs reports are like Frequency reports in that it will display the children of the level that you select. If you are seeing nothing I suspect you are selecting a child code at the lowest level as one or both of your axis.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...How to use a "double" coding?How to use a "double" coding?

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