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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Code frequencies when using multiple screeningCode frequencies when using multiple screening
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20/05/2014 17:51


I have the review set to be shared and another reviewer will be screening the articles. Therefore the codes are set for multiple users. But i have started coding and i want to take a look at what codes have been assigned, how many articles are potential excluded by me etc. How do i do this ?

Thanks Alastair



New Post
20/05/2014 18:17

Hi Alastair,

Your question makes perfect sense to me, but I'm afraid we haven't written anything to directly address your needs: "incomplete coding" e.g. the codes assigned to items in a set that is in "multiple user" mode are "designed" to be visible to the current user in the "document details" window only. In principle, it would be possible for us to add what is needed to get frequencies on incomplete coding, but we never thought it may be necessary, so the facility is not available at this time. I will make sure we'll discuss this option at our next planning round, as it does make sense to me.

For now, there are two possible ways to proceed, one is slow and tedious, the other one fast and a little unconventional.

1) you can of course get the list of the items you have coded (in the collaborate tab, "coding assignments" area, click your own "started" number), open up the first item and manually flick through the full list, counting the number of the ones you've marked as included. Not ideal, I know!
2) the fastest alternative, which is viable because you don't have any already "completed" items, is to bulk complete all the items you've screened already, run a frequency report, save it as a separate file, bulk uncomplete the same items, and proceed with the double coding round as planned. This would be much faster, of course.

I'll give you the details on option 2): you can un/complete all items coded by a single reviewer via the "review statistics" tab (bottom right of the main screen), this is done by expanding the appropriate line in the "complete/incomplete" tables and clicking on the small coloured button (either a "no entry" or green "v" sign). Once you have completed your own items, re-select the "Codes" tab, right click your screening code set and select "Display included items frequencies (children)". This will bring you to the Frequencies table, you can export it via the buttons at the bottom of the screen. After saving the table as a file, please re-open the "review statistics" tab and bulk uncomplete your items (to make your own coding "private" again). At this point you'll have the information you needed and will still be able to proceed with a proper "double blind" phase, assuming that your collaborator didn't sneak in at the right time, precisely to look at your own decisions.

Does this seem viable to you? Please do let us know if you'll need further guidance.

Best wishes,

New Post
20/05/2014 20:03

Thanks for quick response. I will try the second option. I am surprised that it has not come up before as i want to see if my exclusion criteria are looking too narrow or to broad.


New Post
20/05/2014 20:28

Bye the way that work out just fine. Thanks.

New Post
21/05/2014 22:03

Hi sorry to bother you again

But i got option 2  to work yesterday but i can not get it to work today and iam not sure why. Everytime i go through the steps it takes me to the frequencies table but says " none of the codes above" refering to the inclusion code "included based on title and abstract" and at the end of the line it has 1390 which is the entire review not just the ones i have coded.

Thanks Ali


New Post
22/05/2014 11:02

Hi Ali,

I've Just tried it myself and it worked as expected, following the option 2 by the letter. I can't know for sure what didn't work for you, but my guess is that you may have right clicked one of the codes in the "Exclude on title and abstract" when asking for the "frequencies", probably the "Included based on title and abstract" one. This will make EPPI-Reviewer look for frequencies on the children codes of the code you have selected, and since no children can be there, you got all items listed as "none of the above".

In all cases, I'll send you via email the frequencies table I've got just now.

All the best,


New Post
22/05/2014 13:20

Hi Sergio

Yes sorry I was right clicking on a child code "included based on title and abstract" not the code set heading. I have it again now.

Thanks Alastair


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