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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Deleted outcome/intervention/comparison codes still appearDeleted outcome/intervention/comparison codes still appear
New Post
08/04/2014 13:32


I'm in the middle of designing codesets to extract data on outcomes (among other things). As I'm new to the outcome/intervention/comparison code types in EPPI-R, this has involved quite a lot of playing around with different configurations to find what works best, including deleting, duplicating and recreating various outcome/intervention/comparison codes. Now, when I am actually coding a record and click on the little outcome box next to an outcome code, I am offered multiple duplicate options for each category. E.g. instead of listing the 4 different intervention types that I want to use to categorise my interventions, it lists 5 identical versions of the first intervention type, 5 of the second etc., despite my current code form only including a single code item for each. 

Is there a way of reseting this?

Also, can anyone explain the difference between creating multiple selectable outcome codes in the coding form, compared to creating an outcome classification codeset? I don't really understand how one is used compared to the other. 



New Post
08/04/2014 16:33
Accepted Answer 

Hello Fred,

We think that this might be a bug. What appears to be happening is that deleted outcome, intervention and comparison codetypes are still being found and listed in the 'Edit / create outcome' window. It is related to what happens when a code with child codes gets deleted.

We are looking at how to fix this but are unsure at this time if it will require a re-publish. In the meantime, what you could do is prefix your good 'outcome' codes with something that will help you identify them (ex. Utilisation could become 'O - Utilisation'). This way you can easily see which are the real ones.

I will let you know what we can do to fix this.

As for the difference between having multiple outcome codes and outcome classifications, outcome classifications could be useful in situations where you have multiple outcomes with the same outcome, intervention and comparison definitions. An example of their use might be sub-group analyses in which results are presented separately for males and females (but the same outcomes, interventions and comparison definations apply to both groups). You could have a male classification and a female classification.

Best regards,



New Post
08/04/2014 17:11

Great - thanks for the workaround suggestion and clarification on outcome classifications.

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Deleted outcome/intervention/comparison codes still appearDeleted outcome/intervention/comparison codes still appear

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