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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Downloading documents from EPPIDownloading documents from EPPI
New Post
20/03/2014 15:42

Some of our team have experienced problems downloading documents from EPPI-Reviewer, in particular those using Safari on a Mac. Can you provide some advice?

With thanks,


New Post
21/03/2014 09:04

Hello Daniel,

I'm not sure if I understand your question. Do you mean downloading pdf's so they appear in EPPI-Reviewer (i.e. clicking 'View' under 'View pdf')? Or do you mean uploading documents so they are accessible to EPPI-Reviewer (i.e. clicking 'Upload'). Clicking on 'Download' will open the pdf in an external viewer such as Adobe Reader so I am assuming that is not what you mean.

If you mean 'viewing' it in EPPI-Reviewer then it may be an issue with the pdf. Some pdfs are encrypted to prevent people from viewing them from anywhere except using special adobe plugins. Many pdfs from the British Library are encrypted in this fashion. If you let me know your review name and the item in your review that contains the pdf I can have a look at it.

Best regards,


New Post
25/03/2014 09:12

 Dear Jeff,

I have been able to 'upload' files to EPPI in the document details screen and am then subsequently able to 'download' or open the documents I have added, for example when working remotely.

However, some colleagues are using EPPI remotely and are having difficulties both adding/uploading files to EPPI and viewing/downloading files already attached to EPPI records. This is not a problem associated with one specific record, but a recurring one whereby they cannot upload documents to EPPI or view those already attached to existing references (a new window where you should be able to view the attached document opens up but nothing happens).

I will check that they have the latest Adobe Reader updates.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help.


New Post
25/03/2014 10:13

Hello Daniel,

There is something they could try that might help. Recent versions of Safari now have a default setting of running Silverlight in 'Sandbox' mode. This mode protects the user by restricting plugins such as Silverllight from doing certain things that can include allowing it access to your file system to upload files. You can adjust this setting in Safari's Preferences to take Silverlight out of Sandbox mode.

If you go to Safari preferences, Security and click on Manage Website Settings you can then select Silverlight and tell it to 'Allow' Silverlight to run in, what they are calling, unsafe mode. In the past Silverlight was allowed, by default, to run in this mode but at some point Apple changed this setting. Making this change should allow you to upload your files (you will need to restart Safari after making this change).

The other option, if you don't wish to change this setting,  is to run EPPI-Reviewer in Firefox.

Best regards,


New Post
02/07/2014 13:02

Hi Jeff,

I am experiencing similar issues. Downloading/viewing is fine with Firefox, but not with Google Chrome, despite having checked that Silverlight is enabled.

Any thoughts?



New Post
03/07/2014 15:07

Hello Alexis,

We don't recomment using Google Chrome with EPPI-Reviewer as there are a number of issues with how Google Chrome works with Microsoft Silverlight. On a Mac it will not work at all. On a PC it will work in most areas except for viewing pdfs within the application.

Best regards,



New Post
14/07/2014 17:17

 Hi Jeff,


I am experiencing the same difficulties in viewing and downloading documents on a Mac. I have tried changing my Safari preferences to allow in 'unsafe mode' and have also tried using Firefox and I am still unable to vew or download documents.


Can you please assist? 

Best, Maisie 

New Post
15/07/2014 11:17

Hello Maise,

Unless there is an issue with the particular pdf you should be able to view it within EPPI-Reviewer when using Safari or Firefox on a Mac. If you wish, you can send me the pdf at and I can have a look at it.

When you say that you are unable to view it are you getting any sort of message on the screen? As well,could I ask what version of OSX, Safari and/or Firefox and Silverlilght that you are using. 

Best regards,


New Post
17/07/2014 12:53

 Hi Jeff,

I'm still unable to view/download all pdf's on EPPI. I don't get any message on the screen; it says loading on the view screen but doesn't actually load anything and on the download window it seems to stop part way through loading the page. I'm using OX version: 10.8.5, Safari: 6.1.3 and Silverlight: 5.1.10411.0. 

I'd be very grateful of further assistance,



New Post
18/07/2014 11:25

Hello Maisie,

It should be working for you. I just tried viewing a pdf on a mac and it loaded fine. The mac I was using had a more recent version of OSX (10.9.4) and Safari (7.0.5)  and Silverlight (5.1.30317.0) but I wouldn't expect that should be an issue. You could try making sure you have the latest version of Silverlight. You can check this by going to the 'Get Silverlight' page at If you go to that page it will tell you if there is a newer version available for you computer.

Have you been able to try viewing a pdf while using Firefox. If it works with Firefox and not Safari that will tell us a bit more about what might be going on.

Best regards,


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