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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...outcome classification code orderoutcome classification code order
New Post
13/01/2014 00:18

Hi there,

I have a question concerning the outcome classification codes.

I designed different subgroups (a. b. ...) with outcome classification codes.

When I print them using the "print code set" button I will get a file where the codes are in the same order like I entered them.

When I use an "answer type" report and check outcomes, the classification codes will show up in an alphabetical order.(since I use many codes the sheet becomes very confusing)

Is there any other solution to get the outcome classification  codes in the same order like I designed them than adding a1, a2, a3, b1, b2.. to every code?

New Post
13/01/2014 15:46

Hi Urs,

have you tried the other coding reports? You can get a different type of outcome table (one that is outcome-type specific) from the "get coding for selected items" button on the main documents window and from the "coding record" tab in "Documents details".

The outcome classifications will all appear in the last table cell, not on their own column. If this kind of report suits your needs, I can change the way outcome classifications are ordered, but I'm not sure how.
The problem is that outcome classifications may appear anywhere in the code-tree, so ordering them in a way that depends on their exact location would require to process the whole tree in one way or the other. Alphabetical order is an arbitrary choice, but it does make some sort of sense because it is consistent. This makes your laborious option (prefixing the names with a1, a2, a3...) look like a good solution.

If you'd like the second type of report to sort outcome classifications in alphabetical order (they are not currently sorted), I'm pretty sure I can make this change with little or no trouble.


New Post
13/01/2014 22:29

Hi Sergio Thank you for your answer. I do know the "get coding for selected items" but the outcome style does not suit my need since I need each outcome classification code in its own cell. (to extract it easily into excel)

I just noticed that the outcome classification codes in the "get coding for selected items" mode appear exactly like I need them. (In the order they appear in the code-tree)


However, when I am using the "report" function the order is alphabetical (picure).


If you had the time to design a function that allows to decide in which order (alphabetical or "tree order") the classification codes will appear in the "report" function this would be very helpful. If this is not possible, I will rename them to get them in the right order.




New Post
15/01/2014 10:59

Hi Urs,

Just to clarify: I just noticed that the outcome classification codes in the "get coding for selected items" mode appear exactly like I need them. (In the order they appear in the code-tree)

If this is true, it happens almost by chance. In the current situation the Classification codes will usually (but not always) appear in the order they were created. I can influence this order relatively easy, but not the one on the kind of report that you need, sorry!

So yes, please feel free to rename your outcome classification codes, I don't expect I'll be able to write the function you suggest in the immediate future, sorry.


New Post
16/01/2014 00:11

Dear Sergio

Thank you for you help. I will do so. It's easy to remove those prefixes using macros in word...


Cheers Urs

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...outcome classification code orderoutcome classification code order

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