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New Post
28/12/2013 22:12

Hi there,

I would like to design a report with 14 columns. It works fine when I add 10 clolumns in the "question" mode. If I add another cloumn everything is still fine. If I change the settings of the 11th column and leave the setting menue of the column, the EPPI-Reviewer crashes (white screen, nothing happens).

Could you fix that problem?

I am designing 5 report sheets to extract all my data and, therefore, it would be very convenient for me if I could add 10-20 columns per report.


Thank you

New Post
29/12/2013 09:50

Hello Urs,

We have seen this before and we believe it is an issue with the controls that we are using for the report functions.

Luckily, there is an easy work around for this. Rather than clicking on the minimize icon (at top right hand corner of the column) to save your change you can click on the 'Save' icon (at the top of the screen). This will save and minimize the column you are working on without causing a crash.

Best regards,


New Post
29/12/2013 11:53

Dear Jeff,

Thanks a lot for your great support!

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