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New Post
16/12/2013 09:22


I would like to know if there is a function, which enables you to list all items with one code which at the same time have been given another code. For example, I want to list all items which have been coded with Include, which have also been assigned to and coded by one reviewer (using an allocation code). Is it possible to combine the two?



New Post
16/12/2013 10:20

Hello Kasper,

There are a couple of ways you could do this.

The easiest way is to run two searches in the Search tab, one for each code, and then use the AND operator to combine them.

Another option, depending on how your codesets are arranged is to use the Crosstab function. You could place your screening codeset in one axis and the allocation codset (or the appropriate part of that codeset) in the other axis. This will create a matrix of frequencies and you can see the intersection of the various codes. Clicking on the cell for the appropriate intersection in the crosstab will pull up those items.

Best regards,


New Post
16/12/2013 15:55

Thanks a lot

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