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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Lost contact with server - lost dataLost contact with server - lost data
New Post
05/12/2013 13:42



I just spent approximately 1 hour tediouisly inputting study results during the data extraction phase of my review.  I just now received the message that I had "lost contact with the server" and needed to log in again.  I did log in again and all but 2 lines of my approximately 75 lines of entered data in a particular "info" field does not appear any longer!  Is there any way to recover this lost data?





New Post
06/12/2013 09:45

Hello Judith,

Most operations in EPPI-Reviewer are saved automatically as they occur. For example, when you click a checkbox while coding, that action is automatically registered and sent to our servers. Some operations, such as entering data in the Info box require the user to click Save to complete the operation. Until 'Save' is clicked the data resides in the user's temporary computer memory. Unfortunately, this means that if you were unable to click Save, or clicked Save when you no longer had a connection, it never reached out servers and there wouldn't be anything that we could recover.

I'm not sure why you may have lost contact with our servers. It could have been a temporary interruption in your internet connection which could have taken place anywhere between your computer and our server.

Unfortunately we would be unable to restore that data as it doesn't reside anywhere.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Lost contact with server - lost dataLost contact with server - lost data

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