What is the EIPPEE network?
The EIPPEE Network is an international network of individuals and organisations interested in evidence-informed policy and practice in education.
It seeks to facilitate productive engagement between a broad range of stakeholders from within the research production and use communities, the long-term goals being to improve education systems across Europe.
Who can join?
Anyone can join the EIPPEE Network or Special Interest Groups. All that is required is an interest in this issue, and a willingness to provide brief details about the type of stakeholder group you belong to.
What are the benefits?
- Connect to other Network members with the potential for developing partnerships and collaborations.
- Participate in EIPPEE Special Interest Groups and conferences.
- Find out about training events (online courses and tailored workshops).
- Find out about consultancy services (to support the use of evidence).
- Access training materials.
- Customise and save searches when using the EIPPEE search portal.
To join the EIPPEE Network please register here.
To find out more: