Philip Rose posted on January 30, 2014 14:20
Over the past few decades a movement calling for better use of evidence in decision making has taken shape, with a focus on the need for ‘evidence-based’ policy and practice. Yet the role the private sector could and should play has largely been ignored.
At this event by National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) will launch a new report that explores the role of evidence in education businesses. Nesta CEO Geoff Mulgan will discuss the issues, challenges and opportunities for businesses becoming more evidence-led with Sir Michael Barber, Chief Education Advisor at Pearson.
Nesta invite business leaders, policy-makers, researchers, educators and anyone with interest in education and evidence to take part. There will be opportunity to pose your own questions and contribute to the debate.
Registration and sandwich lunch from 12:00, event will start promptly at 12:30 and close at 14:00.