Misinformation in COVID-19: a living map of research evidence

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  Misinformation in COVID-19: a living map of research evidence [Archived final version]

This evidence map ('the map') was produced by the EPPI Centre as part of our role in the ESRC International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) on COVID-19.

The map is published here as an open-access web database, containing bibliographic records of research articles about misinformation in COVID-19, organised by topic(s), version(s), research type, and misinformation term(s). It can also be explored as a pre-configured evidence (and gap) map (see ‘Evidence and Gap Maps’, below). 

See About the Map (.docx) for further information.

From May to December 2022, this map was maintained as a living map (database), continually updated with new records of eligible articles as they became available (once we had identified and coded them). During its 'living map' phase, an updated version of the map was published once a month. At the end of December 2022, when this project ended, we stopped updating the map and published this final archived version (Version 6).

The final archived version of this map – Version 6 – was published on 16th December 2022 and contains 878 records.

During its 'living map' phase, the map was continuously maintained using OpenAlex Browser and other machine learning tools in EPPI-Reviewer Web (ER-Web), linked to the OpenAlex dataset – an open-access dataset and repository comprising >250 million records of research articles from across science, linked together in a large network graph. The map is published here using the EPPI-Visualiser (web database) tool.

Suggested citation for the map
Shemilt I, Hollands GJ, Vigurs C, Stansfield C, Thomas J (2022). Misinformation in COVID-19: a living map of research evidence. [Archived final version, December 2022]. London: EPPI Centre, UCL Social Research Institute, University College London.

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No coded records
Publications by year
Maps(3D) & Crosstabs(2D)
Selected node: N\A
EPPI-Vis is developed and maintained by the EPPI-Centre. The data shown is retrieved in real time from the EPPI-Reviewer database.