Health and care outcomes by disadvantaged group

A map of the evidence to date
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The living maps consist of research articles on What Works to Address Health Inequalities in Primary Care.

Using this map:

All records in the living maps have been manually tagged (or ‘coded’) to help identify key topics around addressing health inequalities in primary care. The size of the circles in 'bubble view' represents the number of records within the cell. The varying colours in the cells represent the type of research articles available in the map. Click on a bubble to view details of the studies in a particular topic area.

Exploring the data:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

To explore a topic further, open up the tags on the left. Use the Frequencies function (below) to explore subcategories of these topics.



To see interactions between topics, including interactions between subcategories, select these as the axes for a map/crosstab. This allows you to look for studies covering multiple areas of disadvantage.

A red arrow pointing to a blue and purple box

Description automatically generated


Submitting a study:

The evidence maps are updated regularly. However if you find an article that you think should be included please email us (




No coded records
Publications by year
Maps(3D) & Crosstabs(2D)
Selected node: N\A
EPPI-Vis is developed and maintained by the EPPI-Centre. The data shown is retrieved in real time from the EPPI-Reviewer database.