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About EPPI-Vis

EPPI-Vis is the EPPI-Centre's online webdatabase application for visualising and exploring EPPI-Reviewer data. It has been created to support knowledge translation of your review findings to the public in a user-friendly layout.

Users can conduct searches and view reference coding in your review to generate tables and visualisations. Digging deeper into the reports and visuals gives access to the individual references and supports export of those references.

As a review owner you can restrict the references and coding you wish to have visible to the public. You can also make the database public or password protected.

EPPI-Vis is free to EPPI-Reviewer users so please contact us at for more details on creating a webdatabase for your systematic revew.

Please note: EPPI-Vis is presently a beta application and still undergoing development.


Enter the ID number of the database you wish to access and click Access.

Some databases require a username and password.