Digital Evidence Synthesis Tool (DEST) Evaluations

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The vast impact of the climate crisis on human health calls for immediate evidence-based mitigation and adaptation action. The research evidence base that would enable decision makers to confidently take decisions for action has been growing exponentially, and while this could be regarded as something positive, it also makes synthesis of evidence challenging and time consuming. To enable the continued production of comprehensive and non-biased data synthesis in various domains, numerous automation tools for evidence surveillance have been developed and deployed, but their suitability and usability for climate and health research, policy and practice has been largely neglected. In this research programme, deeply rooted in the concept of knowledge co-production, we are assessing user needs and practices for climate and health evidence synthesis, compiling and evaluating available digital evidence synthesis tools, and developing detailed recommendations on priority areas for applications of digital evidence synthesis tools for the climate and health domain.

This database is part of the above project, funded by Wellcome Trust, and is very much 'work in progress'. We make it available however, as part of project transparency, and because the emerging 'map' of tools is already useful for multiple purposes.

Please cite this database as:

Bond, M., Finnerty, A., O'Mara-Eves, A., O'Driscoll, P., Thomas, J., Minx, J., Callaghan, M., & Scheelbeek, P. (2024). Digital Evidence Synthesis Tool Evaluations. EPPI Visualiser database.

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