Welcome to the database of UK Higher Education (HE) Personal Development Planning (PDP) evaluation studies. The database was commissioned by the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN).
The database will be of use to those wanting to know details about research into PDP. It provides details on individual or groups of studies on a range of 40+ variables such as features of PDP, sample and context, and study results.
It can answer questions such as, "What studies of PDP have been done at institutions like mine?” In order to answer this question, you could search the database on characteristics about the institutions in which the PDP took place.
Study results need to be treated with care. First, the studies have not been subject to quality assessment . Second, the results of individual studies need to be interpreted within the context of the systematic review of the results of all PDP studies (click here for a 2003 review)
Some of the data on the PDP studies is organised into precoded categories and some is free text. You can search on both types of data.
Searches can be carried out using these keywords, or by using free text terms. Individual search stages can be combined in the 'Search History' using the boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. Several other functions have recently been added to facilitate searches on this database. Use 'Explore' to browse a list of studies which have been coded according to a selected keywording term. The 'Crosstabs' function can be used to generate a table comparing keywording terms against each other.
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