Obesity and Sedentary Behaviour

About this database

The database on Obesity and Sedentary behaviour studies is unique in its focussed coverage of studies that aim to explore the relationship between obesity and sedentary behaviour.

This register currently contains details of 326 studies from the world over that utilize a variety of designs to explore the association between obesity with sedentary behaviour.

All reviews are assessed and coded for specific characteristics of the type of study, context (location, population group), details of the variables in the study etc. They have been systematically keyworded with:

  • generic keywords (e.g. aim, location of the study, age, gender, direction of the relationship etc)

Using the Obesity and Sedentary behaviour Database

  • Searches can be carried out using keyword and free-text terms.
  • Reports enable visual mapping and analysis of the search results.
  • Help provides advice on using this database.

Recording your findings

To record results of your searches, you can print out your searches or reports, or cut and paste the table into word processing software. Landscape format provides the best results.

How are the studies identified?

  • As a result of searches to identify studies for systematic reviews within the EPPI-Centre.
  • Through contacting experts in the field.
  • Through hand searching recent publications of specialist journals.
  • Through searching the internet using search engines.
  • Through searches of specialist databases.
  • Through hand searching the websites of national and international organisations.

How current is the register?

The searches were completed by January 2009

User consultation on the EPPI-Centre Health Promotion and Public Health Research Registers Obesity and Sedentary behaviour Database

We welcome any feedback on the utility and usability of Obesity and Sedentary behaviour Database. Please send any comments to EPPIAdmin@ioe.ac.uk

NB: please bookmark this introduction page rather than the other pages if you'd like to remember this address.

(Landscape mode works best if you are printing wide search results or report tables.)

EPPI-Centre logo
This database is hosted by the EPPI-Centre which is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the Institute of Education, London.