The Living Guideline for Pediatric Concussion Care

Please see for clinical recommendations, methods, and project information. This project is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Project Leads: Dr. Roger Zemek and Dr. Nick Reed. Guideline Developer: Dr. Jennifer Dawson
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The Living Guideline for Pediatric Concussion Care shares up-to-date evidence-based clinical recommendations & tools for healthcare professionals diagnosing and managing children and adolescents with concussion. This project includes over 45 volunteer concussion experts from across the US and Canada who work together to review the latest evidence and update the clinical recommendations and tools as the evidence evolves. See "Evidence and Gap Maps" below for  evidence underlying the 15 domains that are covered. See the project website for a full list of our clinical guidelines recommendations, tools, and clinical algorithms.


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EPPI-Vis is developed and maintained by the EPPI-Centre. The data shown is retrieved in real time from the EPPI-Reviewer database.