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Intervention codes

Comprehensive intervention

includes a combination of criminal justice and social improvement approaches or at least two social improvement intervention codes specified below

Not a comprehensive intervention

includes only one of the intervention codes specified below

Criminal justice


Enforcement/criminal justice

enforcement activity, predominately criminal sanctions, designed to deter gang related criminal behaviour.


interventions which relate to legal provisions such as Gang injunctions, curfews; shutting down illegal diversions of new handguns from retail sources

Social improvement


Direct communication

direct messaging to problem individuals or at-risk people, marketing within the geographic area.

Conflict resolution

includes mediation, mentoring e.g., by outreach workers.


educating or re-educating the study group. Includes academic learning and other skills such as nutritional information


psychological interventions e.g., aggression replacement therapy, anger management, counselling

Organisation and management

material which focuses on the organisation, planning and development, ethos, governance, leadership and management of interventions


material which focuses on diversionary activity designed to turn individuals away from gang related criminal behaviour. This includes recreational activities

Opportunities provision

material which focuses on provision of new, long-term opportunities for those engaged in gang related criminal behaviour e.g. employment, housing and other services


Community mobilisation

material which focuses on the engagement and mobilisation of the community in addressing gang related criminal behaviour e.g.,  removing graffiti, clergy outreach.


material which focuses on activity which makes physical changes to the local area and which are designed to prevent gang related criminal behaviour. e.g., lighting, gating, traffic control.

Vocational skills training

material which focuses on vocational training

Other topic focus

uncertainty due to poor description, uncertainly about fit and/or relevancy in terms of above codes.


Type of prevention


for children and young people generally


includes those individuals identified as being at risk of becoming gang members or perpetrators of other violent crime


for g ang members



Criminal justice

violent crimes and arrets (e.g., homicides, assault, firearm-related incidents, recidivism).     

Cognitions and behaviours

attitudes, values, beliefs, self-efficacy, high risk behaviours, delinquency, pro-social behaviours, fear of violence, perceptions of safety and levels of fear

Public health

health behaviours, including physical and mental health, substance misuse,


school and other education outcomes


employment, housing, finance

Cost of intervention

cost and cost/benefit of intervention

Other outcomes

mainly personality traits, self-regulation, process, parental factors


Study design


includes a control group of any kind>

No control

no control group included


Other population markers

Agencies and organisations

includes those with responsibility for the strategic leadership, management, and delivery of interventions (e.g., members of agencies and organisations surveyed to assess effectiveness of intervention).


includes communities affected by gang related violence (e.g., members of communities surveyed to assess effectiveness of intervention)


includes pupils or staff (teaching or non- teaching) within schools.


includes the families


includes representatives from government or governing bodies.

Geographic area

includes interventions targeted in specific locations

Other educational institution

includes students or staff (teaching or non-teaching) within other educational institutions e.g., college, special educational schools

Criminal justice or legal system

includes those individuals identified as being an inmate, parolee or on probation

Other population focus

includes a population focus of the study that is not covered by any of the other specified foci.

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