Community Pharmacy Public Health Interventions

About this database


This database contains details of 289 research studies on public health interventions within community pharmacies, published between 2000 and 2017. Each database record comprises citations and keywords describing the study. There are various ways to use the database to enable visual mapping and analysis of the research studies. Take a few minutes to familiarise yourself the various options and outputs available. To find out more about how the studies were selected for inclusion in this database, read the section below on the scope and focus of the database.

Developing the role of pharmacies in community settings is part of a global strategy to create accessible, multi-disciplinary professional networks for improving healthy life expectancy and reducing health threats (1,2). The research studies in this database collectively inform on the nature, impact, accessibility and cost-effectiveness of community-based public health interventions for the healthcare consumer.

Using the database

All reports of research have been assessed and systematically keyworded to describe the evaluation measures, focus and components of the intervention, population and study methods. Users are able to search the database to generate reports, cross-tabulate records, and explore records by keyword, in addition to running searches based on keywords and free-text.

Searches can be carried out using keyword and free-text terms. Searches can be combined using AND, OR, NOT, within the search history page. It is also possible to search by year and use wildcards. Reports has three functions to enable visual mapping and analysis of the search results: reports, cross-tab and explore. A brief description of each function is on the main report tab. Some example reports and cross-tabs are included with the Report and Cross-tab sections.

There are instructions on the Search, Reports, and Help tabs at the top of this page. The Help tab has links to complete instructions for using all the available searching and reporting functions. When using the database on a large screen you may wish to reduce the size of your browser window for ease of reading.

Recording your findings

• Search results can be exported in RIS format.

• Reports can be cut and pasted into word processing software. Landscape format provides the best results

• Search strategies can be exported in XML format for the purposes of uploading and re-running at a later date.

Obtaining further information on the study

The study record includes the citation and researcher-assigned keywords. There are links for seeking out the record on PubMed and Google. Items in PubMed often include the abstracts, and these can be added to a PubMed clipboard for saving or exporting.

Populating the database

The studies were identified from screening results of systematic searches of databases and websites for publications dating from January 2000 to November 2017. The full text of relevant studies were descriptively coded according to a classification system developed specifically for this project. The searches were last undertaken during November 2017.

Scope and focus of the database

The research studies were collected to inform a systematic map. The section provides brief details about the scope and focus of the map. Full details are available from the report, which can be accessed here (Stokes et al. 2019, Public health service provision by community pharmacies: a systematic map of evidence).

The systematic map identifies an expanding and diverse research literature on public health interventions that are provided by community pharmacies in OECD countries, with particular growth in the last five years. It intends to inform future research decision-making for community pharmacy health service provision in the UK. No judgements about quality and relevance of outcomes are made. The map was commissioned by the Department of Health Policy Research Programme and conducted by researchers at the EPPI-Centre.

Research questions addressed in the systematic map

The study was designed to address the following questions:

1. What empirical research has been conducted, from 2000 onwards, into public health service provision by community pharmacies?

2. What are the characteristics of studies that investigate public health service provision in community pharmacies (i.e. country, questions addressed, intervention types, health condition, service provision, setting, and study design features - including the outcomes and processes evaluated - and additional demographic characteristics)?

3. What are the gaps in research evidence for key public health interventions?


The focus is on public health interventions conducted in pharmacies that are within the community. Studies contained in this database are primary research studies that either 1) evaluate the effects on patient outcomes of one or more community pharmacy services, within the UK and other OECD countries; or 2) focus on UK stakeholders’ perspectives on service appropriateness (e.g. reach, feasibility, cost, time) or on community pharmacy for public health more broadly.

This database does not include studies evaluating interventions for tobacco smoking cessation and pharmacies in primary care or hospitals, or those relating to the education of student pharmacists. Interventions that solely focus on managing medications are not included, with the exception of those focussing on anti-microbial resistance.

References 1. DH (2008) Pharmacy in England: Building on strengths – delivering the future. London: Department of Health. 2. World Health Organization (WHO) (2004). Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. Geneva: World health Organization.


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(Landscape mode works best if you are printing wide search results or report tables.)

This database is hosted by the EPPI-Centre which is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the UCL Institute of Education, London.