EPPI Reviewer 6 is the latest version of our software, designed to run on any modern web browser and across web-enabled devices such as smartphones or tablets - useful for screening on the move!
Most of our resources are now in the form of brief instructional videos and short documents covering particular functions of the software. Our ER 6 playlist can be found here. (You can view the videos with subtitles in the language of your choice.)
A PowerPoint presentation covering the basic features of ER 6 can be found here.
A brief introduction to ER 6 can be seen in the following presentation -:
- Introduction (3:07) Introduction to ER 6.
- Further information (5:09) A further look at ER 6's features.
- Setting up a typical systematic review (7:36) Starting a review - the basic steps.
- Importing (3:37) Bringing references into your review, including manually creating an item, importing search results, and maintaining a search log.
- Duplicates (3:37) Managing duplicate items in ER 6.
- Editing codes (1:26) How to add, edit, reorder and delete codes.
- Creating reference groups (2:45) Includes assigning work to reviewers.
- Work Distribution Wizard (4:46) A tool to automatically create coding assignments
- Data entry modes, double coding and reconciliation (5:04) Comparison between multiple reviewers or working independently.
- Comparison Reports (1:03) A report comparing multiple coders' work
- Coding and Quick Question Reports (3:46) Coding Reports and Quick Question Reports.
- More on the Reports Tab (3:01) Creating Frequency and CrossTab reports.
- Configurable Reports (4:18) How to create a configurable report, for easier analysis in Excel.
- Line-by-line PDF coding in EPPI-Reviewer 6 (4:22) Highlighting and coding text, to identify analytic and descriptive themes, which can be presented in different report formats including conceptional relationship diagrams.
- Interactive evidence (gap) maps - Introduction (2:01) Using EPPI-Mapper with data from EPPI Reviewer.
- Creating an interactive evidence gap maps (5:09) Creating evidence gap maps with EPPI-Mapper.
- EPPI Visualiser (7:13) A first look at EPPI-Visualiser
- Zotero Integration (7:13) Linking reviews to reference libraries, including bulk import and export of refs with PDFs. (A transcript is available here.)
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Machine Learning in EPPI Reviewer 6
A specific guide to the Machine Learning facilities available within ER 6 is available here. A separate document on Priority Screening can be found here. We also have a specific guide to using Classifiers in ER 6 here.
An introduction to using Microsoft Academic / OpenAlex (auto-updating & surveillance) in EPPI-Reviewer is available here. Further information can be found here.
The Clustering tool, which uses text-mining and hierarchical organisation to automatically code references, is documented here.
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Additional Documentation
- Importing References -: A detailed document on importing references can be found here.
- Finding full-text papers -: We cover finding full-text papers using reference management software here.
- (For using Google Scholar via institutional access, please see this document.)
- Confused about exclude codes and the Exclude FLAG? Check out the document on Flags.
- Linked Items - multiple papers covering the same study, or similarly related.
- Codes - an introduction.
- Codes and codesets - further information.
- Importing Standard Codesets - a quick guide.
- Outcome Codes - for setting up and utilising Outcome codes in ER 6.
- Entering numerical and outcome data - more details.
- Terms Tool - highlight relevant terms when screening
- Hot Keys - using Hot Keys to select codes
- PRISMA Diagrams - creating diagrams of your review
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Training Materials & Webinars
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You can also access our instructional videos via our
channel here. You can view videos with captions in your chosen language.
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