The Parental Mental Health systematic map is a web-based database of literature on the detection, extent, and impact of, and interventions for families where a parent has a mental health problem. Interventions are included according to their effectiveness, acceptability and accessibility.
The database currently contains approx. 750 journal articles, books, reports and research studies, identified in the following ways:
- Extensive background scoping of the topic
- Systematic searching of 16 bibliographic databases
- Searching databases of research organisations
- Searching and browsing key journals
- Harvesting references from key documents
- Searching for futher records by key authors in the field
- Recommendations from key authors
The dates of literature coverage are 1985-Summer
Records have been systematically keyworded with generic keywords (e.g. country, type of study, population group and intervention characteristics (including setting, provider and type)) and subject specific keywords (e.g. whether a record looks at the effectiveness of interventions, other social factors such as domestic violence)
Searches can be carried out using these keywords, or by using free text terms. Individual search stages can be combined in the 'Search History' using the boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. Several other functions have recently been added to facilitate searches on this database. Use 'Explore' to browse a list of studies which have been coded according to a selected keywording term. The 'Crosstabs' function can be used to generate a table comparing keywording terms against each other.
The full report on the systematic map including the original search strategy is available on the SCIE website at
NB: please bookmark this introduction page rather than the other pages if you'd like to remember this address.