Inequalities in Infant Mortalitynpeu logooxford logo

About this database
Infant mortality evidence map

This evidence map is a searchable version of the infant mortality evidence map produced by the NPEU as part of the Inequalities in infant mortality work programme (click here for details).

The database contains details of 331 published systematic reviews assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce infant mortality and its major causes (preterm birth, major congenital anomalies and SIDS/SUDI). Full details of the methodology used to identify reviews can be found in the 'Technical Guide to the infant mortality evidence map: systematic reviews of interventions targeting infant mortality'.

This online version is provided to enable users to search for specific interventions, conditions or outcomes. A report providing a descriptive overview of the evidence is also available: ’The effectiveness of interventions targeting infant mortality: a user’s guide to the systematic review evidence’.

The database contains the following:
  • Citation details
  • Hyperlinks to the full-text version and/or the Pubmed abstract
  • Hyperlinks to structured abstracts in the Database of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE)
  • Information abstracted/coded from the published review:
    • The primary aim/focus of the intervention (coded)
    • The recipient of the intervention (coded)
    • A brief summary description of the intervention(s) evaluated (free-text)
    • The infant mortality related outcomes evaluated/reported, ie neonatal/infant mortality, preterm birth, congenital anomalies, SIDS/SUDI (coded)
    • For antenatal interventions, whether a high risk maternal population was targeted (coded)

Click on the Search and Report tabs above to search the database and create reports.

Please note that this database is a beta version. We anticipate that some changes will be needed to improve functionality and we are keen to receive feedback on ways in which we can improve the utility and usability of this database. Please email comments and suggestions to us.

NB: please bookmark this introduction page rather than the other pages if you'd like to remember this address.

(Landscape mode works best if you are printing wide search results or report tables.)

EPPI-Centre logo
This database is hosted by the EPPI-Centre which is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the Institute of Education, London.