EN89 Ainscow 1999 Select
EN158 Ainscow, M. (1995) Special needs through school improvement; school improvement through special needs Select
EN188 Alderson, Learning and inclusion : the Cleves School experience 015 Select
EN99 Ballard, K 1998 New Zealand: Inclusive School, Inclusive Philosophy? Select
EN128 Black-Hawkins, K. [1999] Close Encounters of the Cultural Kind: The Significance of Culture in Understanding Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion in Schools. Select
EN157 Bonal, X and Rambla, X. (1999) The Recontextualisation Process of Educational Diversity: new forms to legitimise pedagogic practice Select
EN183 Campbell, E (1996) 'The tensions within: diversity in a multi-everything secondary school' Select
EN210 Clark 97 Select
EN186 Clark, Dyson, Millward and Robson: Inclusive education and schools as organizations Select
EN168 Corbett, J. (2001) Teaching approaches which support inclusive education: a connective pedagogy Select
EN209 Davies, G.L. An inclusion story: exploring aspects of educational inclusion in Birmingham 1996-2000 Select
EN156 Deering, P. (1996) 'An ethnographic study of norms of inclusion and cooperation in a mult-ethnic middle school' Select
EN103 England: Inclusion and exclusion in a competitive system Select
EN151 Ferguson, D. (2001) Schools on the move: Stories of urban schools engaged in inclusive journeys of change, Benito Martinez Elementary Select
EN187 Gillborn Select
EN143 Heckman,1996 Select
EN205 Hunt, pam, Hirose-hatae, Anne, Doering, Kathy, Karasoff, Patricia Select
EN207 Inclusion and Exclusion in Schools: Listneing to Some Hidden Voices Select
EN206 Kratzer, C.1997 'community and diversity in an urban school' Select
EN142 Kugelmass, 2001 Select
EN130 Parilla, A. (1999) 'Educational innovations as a school answer to diversity' Select
EN184 Pickett (1993) "The relationship between school structure and culture and student views of diversity and inclusive education: A comparative case study of two middle schools" Select
EN152 Rouse, M. Select
EN132 Rouse, M. (1996) Effective inclusive schools: a study in two countries Select
EN208 Slee 1991 Learning Initiatives to Include All Students in Regular Schools Select
EN203 Stickney, Jane Marie (1996) School Culture and Student learning: Case study of a self-renewing school Select
EN189 Wang, 1995 Effective student responses to student diverstiy Select